The Ampans school-residence called “Els Companys” is already up and running

18 October, 2021
Edificio modular escuela residencia construida por Constructora d’Aro mediante la utilización de módulos industrializados Compact Habit

The Ampans school-residence called “Els Companys”, located in Sant Fruitós de Bages and built by Constructora d’Aro using industrialized Compact Habit modules, has already come into operation. The building has been inaugurated with 23 users, 17 of whom live in the same center with Autistic Aspect Disorder (ASD), and is aimed at children and young people aged 12 to 18.
The center addresses the needs that were not covered by the current housing proposals and increases life quality of users and workers in Ampans.
The project has been designed by the architects Jaume Espinal, Alícia Vila, and Laura Martínez. It consists of 2,335 m2 built and 36 industrialized modules manufactured in the Cardona production center.