
Llibret de presentació

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compacthabit llibret presentació
CE 1220-CPR-1339

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Marcatge CE itec mòdul eMii-C compacthabit ETE
SBE16 Hamburg International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment

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Best Practices Report in Permanent Modular Construction

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ETA 11/0266

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ETE evaluació técnica europea compacthabit eMii-C

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Certificate 1000 Europe's Fastest Growing Companies

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Certificat Financial Times FT1000 compacthabit fast growing companies
45 anys construint confiança

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logo constructora d'Aro manresa
The Concrete Society

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CompactHabit article published by The Concrete Society magazine
SB13 Munich Conference - Implementing

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sb13 Munich sustainable building conference compacthabit
Certíficació del sistema de gestió: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 i ISO 45001

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ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 Compacthabit Modular