22 July, 2013
BLOG22 July, 2013

CompactHabit extends the European Technical Assessment (ETA) document for its modular construction system.

The modules are fire-resistant for up to 120 minutes The constant evolution in the system enables the construction process to be simplified The Industrialised Integral Modular […]
5 June, 2013
BLOG5 June, 2013

CompactHabit receives an honourable mention in the building awards at the Construmat 2013 Trade Fair

The prizewinning works were the Valles School of Architecture (ETSAV) student residence halls in Sant Cugat del Vallès. The company also participated in the fair as […]
3 May, 2013
Construmat compacthabit feria construccion fira
BLOG3 May, 2013

CompactHabit will attend in the next CONSTRUMAT 2013 that will be held from 21 to 24 May at Fira de Barcelona

The presence of Compact Habit will be as an exhibitor. In our stand, the visitor could have access to exclusive information about our company and our […]
11 March, 2013
Pau residence etudiant student dorm residencia estudiant france frança francia compacthabit
BLOG11 March, 2013

CompactHabit internationalizes the eMii system by constructing a university residence hall in the French city of Pau.

This will be the first project for the company outside of Spain. The residence hall will have 217 rooms and 2 suites. For the first time, […]