20 June, 2012
Lorca resilient seismic antisismo compacthabit modular offsite emii
BLOG20 June, 2012

Two projects designed with CompactHabit’ eMii system win the competition for reconstruction of Lorca

The results of a design ideas competition for the reconstruction of the neighbourhoods of San Fernando and La Viña in Lorca were made public this past April. The competition was […]
20 June, 2012
BLOG20 June, 2012

The first tourist dwellings that will be part of the area “La Mediterrània” within the Cambrils Park tourist resort are prepared

Although the work is still in the execution phase (façades, roofs and development of the area), the first tourist dwellings built using the Compact Habit integral […]
15 June, 2012
PIMEC compacthabit award prix premi SME PYME
BLOG15 June, 2012

PIMEC gives CompactHabit the most competitive small medium-sized enterprise award

This Monday, Compact Habit received the SME award for being the most competitive medium-sized enterprise in Catalonia in 2011. The ceremony was held in Barcelona and […]
7 May, 2012
CompactHabit student dorm residencia estudiantes residence universitaire sant cugat modular concrete beton formigo hormigon
BLOG7 May, 2012

CompactHabit and Constructora d’Aro received the Greenbuilding Award from the European Commission for the university residence

CompactHabit and Constructora d’Aro received the Greenbuilding Award granted by the European Commission to the promoters of new buildings that stand out for their low environmental […]