4 April, 2012
BLOG4 April, 2012

CompactHabit earns European Technical Assessment for its modular construction system

The Comprehensive Industrialised Modular Building system (eMii) patented by Compact Habit has earned European Technical Approval, first-rate accreditation in the construction sector which recognises high quality […]
2 March, 2012
BLOG2 March, 2012

Compact Habit and the eMii system (Industrialized integral modular system) have been awarded by Novabuild with the third prize for innovation

See news


13 December, 2011
BLOG13 December, 2011

The resort Cambrils Park orders 170 Mediterranean houses built with the innovative system CompactHabit

Each house has one to three bedrooms and is set in a typical Mediterranean village setting. The Camping Resort Cambrils Park, that offers luxury family tourism […]
5 October, 2011
manresa compacthabit student dorm residencia estudiant logement étudiant FUB UPC
BLOG5 October, 2011

CompactHabit, a pioneer in housing industrialization, expands their scope to the entire Iberian Peninsula

In September three university student housing buildings were opened in Girona, Sant Cugat and Manresa, they were constructed with the eMii system developed using technology patented […]