14 January, 2019
Compact Habit as a case study at Offsite Architecture book
BLOG14 January, 2019

CompactHabit is mentioned in the book “Offsite Architecture: constructing the future”

The book addresses the benefits of permanent modular construction (quality, cost, schedule). The  CompactHabit’s Manresa student dorm is one of the 17 international case studies, and […]


28 September, 2018
BLOG28 September, 2018

CompactHabit was present at the panel: “MMC- Modern Methods of Construction. Technologies available to production departments”

The Advanced Architecture and Construction 4.0 Congress is the space at the REBUILD EXPO where to discover new materials, the latest emerging technologies and the most innovative […]
4 June, 2018
Living space for everyone-4-June 2018, ComapctHabit
BLOG4 June, 2018

Compacthabit is mentioned in the book “Living space for everyone? Perspectives on planning, politics and architecture”

The volume explore present strategies with which affordable housing can be created in Germany . In particular, it is addressed the potential of prefabricated construction systems […]
2 May, 2018
BLOG2 May, 2018

CompactHabit is mentioned in “Prefabrication and Automated Processes in Residential Construction” book

In Compact Habit we are proud to appear in this ground-breaking text (Jutta Albus, PhD), a must read for anyone in the modular business. Read or […]