31 August, 2017
CompactHabit article published by The Concrete Society magazine
BLOG31 August, 2017

CompactHabit article published by The Concrete Society

CompactHabit is proud to announce the publication of our article: “Sustainable mass modular building construction using concrete” in the Concrete Engineering International Magazine, Volume 21, Number […]
27 May, 2017
Saudi Building Technology Conference compacthabit invited
BLOG27 May, 2017

CompactHabit invited to participate at the Saudi Building Technology Conference.

The Minister of Housing, Majid bin Abdullah Al-Haqail, sponsored in Riyadh the 24th May the conference of building construction technology, with the participation of a number […]
10 May, 2017
CompactHabit Europe fastest growing companies FT1000 Financial Times forte croissance creixement rápido crecimiento
BLOG10 May, 2017

CompactHabit, one of the Europe’s fastest growing companies

Compact Habit listed #159 on the FT1000 and #8 in the construction sector. The FT1000 lists the 1,000 companies in Europe that have achieved the highest […]
2 March, 2017
Modular Precast Construction conference invited compacthabit
BLOG2 March, 2017

CompactHabit invited to speak at the 6th Annual Modular&Precast Construction event, Bangkok, Thailand 3-5 May 2017

The breakout session is entiltled: “From traditional general contractor to Modular Building System solution provider: Accelerating speed and cost effectiveness”