

The systematization and industrialization of construction requires the following processes, used by CompactHabit:

  • Work in collaboration with the technical team that has drawn up the project (Design&Build), for maximum optimization, so that the industrial processes can be carried out.
  • Based on the final design, CompactHabit redraws and adapts the project to the industrial method and CompactHabit's own processes (DfMA, Design for Manufacturing and Assembling).
  • After the validation of the engineering project, CompactHabit initiates the management tasks of purchasing, storage and organization of the start of production
  • Start of production. The work is organized in 5 basic areas:

    1. Production of the concrete module, where the reinforcement, modeling and concreting work is done.
    2. Assembly line. Area where the concrete modules move through the factory, at a rate of two per day.
    3. At the end of the assembly line a quality control and incident repair area is established.
    4. Once the quality control has been passed, the fully equipped module is prepared for storage and transport, ending with complete packaging.
    5. Storage of modules in the area outside the factory building, until it is time for transport and on-site assembly.


Currently the construction materials on the market are designed to respond to the needs of traditional construction. CompactHabit S.L., with experience of 45,000m2 constructed and the technical evolution within the company, has found there is a shortage of products suitable for the methods of industrialized work. For this reason, the R&D+i department works to adapt materials for industrial application and to seek other alternatives.

The innovation of the eMii® system causes a constant need to improve and seek construction solutions that allow us to:

  • Optimize the industrial process: productivity
  • Increase the final quality of the project: added value
  • Integrate the existing technology into the design method (architects, engineers, etc.)
  • Acceptance of the product by the end user.
All this experience and our consolidated objectives mean that at CompactHabit we are continually improving our product and technology. In fact we are giving support in the creation of a new construction ecosystem.


The eMii® system considers objectives and requirements in which constant technological work is imperative for it to be viable.

The main contributions developed by CompactHabit's R&D+i department are the following:

  • Propietary formwork for the casting of three-dimensional modules with maximum measurements of 15x5x3.5m3 (other size to confirm).
  • Self-compacting concrete of 50MPa with a minimum resistance of 20MPa in 5 hours 30 minutes using a formulation with a degree of curing acceleration.
  • Execution procedure of the concrete module for a production of 2x75 = 150m²/day/machine.
  • Elastic structure in the configuration of buildings. Each module is floating with respect to its neighboring modules.
  • Elastic joints between modules resistant to fire, with acoustic and seismic properties.
  • Dry assembly system with possibility of disassembly: nomadic construction, relocatable buildings.
  • In situ or industrialized and temporary foundation system.
  • Assembly line procedure for the interior and exterior equipment of the modules.
  • Procedure for transport and handling of modules.